How mice see the world

February 16, 2023 | 2 pm | BCCN Lecture Hall Philippstraße 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin + ZOOM Meeting-ID: 775 491 0236

Vision provides a rich sense of the world around us, our place in it, and how we can interact with it. Humankind has made rapid advances in machines that can process visual information. However, in some tasks, even mice outperform our best machines. Thus, there are important computational principles embodied in animal brains for vision. We are using specialized behavior systems and large-scale calcium imaging to determine the principles of visual processing in mouse brains. I will discuss recent neurobiological results and share some open-source optics we have developed for these studies.

About the Speaker:

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This talk is hosted by SFB1315 subproject A04, and will be introduced by AG Judkewitz.

Lecture Poster

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