
The CRC’s collaborative work acknowledges funding by the DFG project number 327654276 SFB 1315 and is largely openly accessible, found in public and institutional repositories.

LabNet hardware control software for the Raspberry Pi

Alexej Schatz, York Winter
Elife. 11:e77973 (2022)
C02, Alexej Schatz, York Winter - -

Decision making: Dopaminergic neurons for better or worse

Ilona C. Grunwald Kadow and David Owald
Curr Biol. 32(21):R1237-R1240 (2022)
A07, David Owald - -

Wild nightingales flexibly match whistle pitch in real time

Giacomo Costalunga, Carolina Sanchez Carpena, Susanne Seltmann, Jonathan I. Benichov, Daniela Vallentin
Curr Biol. 33, 1–10 (2023)
A06, Daniela Vallentin - -

Hippocampal GABAergic interneurons and memory

Alexandra Tzilivaki, John J. Tukker, Nikolaus Maier, Panayiota Poirazi, Rosanna P. Sammons, Dietmar Schmitz
Neuron. 111 (2023)
A01, Alexandra Tzilivaki, Dietmar Schmitz, Nikolaus Maier - -

Play and tickling responses map to the lateral columns of the rat periaqueductal gray

Natalie Gloveli, Jean Simonnet, Wei Tang, Miguel Concha-Miranda, Eduard Maier, Anton Dvorzhak, Dietmar Schmitz and Michael Brecht
Neuron. 111, 1–12 (2023)
A02, A03, Anton Dvorzhak, Dietmar Schmitz, Michael Brecht, Wei Tang - -

Learning how network structure shapes decision-making for bio-inspired computing

Michael Schirner, Gustavo Deco, Petra Ritter
Nat Commun. 14, 2963 (2023)
B06, Petra Ritter - -

Dear interested high school students,

please write us if you would like to visit one of our labs or if you have questions for our scientists.

Dear SFB1315 members,

please send us news of your outreach activities to share with the public!

Participating Institutions