
The CRC’s collaborative work acknowledges funding by the DFG project number 327654276 SFB 1315 and is largely openly accessible, found in public and institutional repositories.

Homeostatic active zone remodeling consolidates memories in the Drosophila mushroom body

Oriane Turrel, Niraja Ramesh, Marc J.F. Escher, Stephan J. Sigrist
bioRxiv (2021)
A08, Oriane Turrel, Stephan Sigrist - -

Disentangling age and schooling effects on inhibitory control development: An fNIRS investigation

Courtney McKay, Sobanawartiny Wijeakumar, Eva Rafetseder, Yee Lee Shing
Dev Sci. 2021;e13205 (2021)
B04, Yee Lee Shing - -

GABAergic interneurons with nonlinear dendrites: from neuronal computations to memory engrams

Alexandra Tzilivaki, George Kastellakis, Dietmar Schmitz, Panayiota Poirazi
Neuroscience 489, 34-43 (2022)
A01, Alexandra Tzilivaki, Dietmar Schmitz - -

Double-μ Periscope: a tool for multi-layer optical recordings, optogenetic stimulations or both

Mototaka Suzuki, Jaan Aru and Matthew E. Larkum
eLife 10:e72894 (2021)
A04, Matthew Larkum - -

Dear interested high school students,

please write us if you would like to visit one of our labs or if you have questions for our scientists.

Dear SFB1315 members,

please send us news of your outreach activities to share with the public!

Participating Institutions