#Girls’Day 2024
Apr 25, 2024 | 09:00–15:30 | Berlin Museum of Medical History, Virchowweg 17 | Charité CrossOver-CCM, Virchowweg 6, @AG Larkum | Fenster des Wissenschaft, CCM – CCO Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin
Over 20 girls joined our #Girls’Day 2024 event! We started the day with a campus tour and then visit a lab. Lunch was joined by a series of short lectures by our Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance scientists. Each scientist spoke about their CV and project work in their respective project. We hope we inspired you to make an internship in one of our project labs!
Feedback from one attendee:
Ich bin Luise, 16 Jahre alt und habe am 25.4.2024 den Girlsday an der Charité Berlin besucht. Der ganze Tag war sehr spannend, lehrreich und vor allem inspirierend: Die Führung über das Gelände, bei der wir viel über die ereignisreiche Geschichte der Charité gelernt haben, die Vorträge der RednerInnen, die sehr interessante Perspektiven eröffneten und vor allem die Besichtigung der Labore und die Gespräche mit den Forschenden dort haben mich zutiefst inspiriert und begeistert.Da ich selber gerne ein Studium in Biologie/ Chemie absolvieren möchte und mich insbesondere die behandelten Themenfelder an Ihrer Institution, wie zum Beispiel Neuro-und Mikrobiologie, sehr interessieren, wäre es mir eine riesige Freude, neben dem Girlsday einen weiteren Einblick in die Forschung gewinnen zu dürfen.
09:15 Charité Campus tour – see map
Please meet punctually 9:15 out front of the Berlin Medical Historical Museum BMM
10:45–11:45 CCO foyer after tour
Lab tour Project A04
12:00 Fenster des Wissenschaft, CCM – CCO Charitéplatz 1,
Lunch and Intro to the Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance & SFB1315
Survival skills for scientists
Scientific Project – Sensing LOOPS: Cortico-subcortical Interactions for Adaptive Sensing
Dr. Livia de Hoz discusses how scientists get resources to fund their work using the examples of SPP2411 and SFB1315 Project A09
Types of neurons and how they interact in our brains
Scientific Project – Interaction between excitatory and inhibitory neuronal types in controlling cortical dynamics
Dr. Irene Onorato discusses PhD studies and postdoc work in association with Project A09 SFB1315
Short Break
Memory and sleep
Scientific Project – Dreaming in context – Role of context in sensory cortico-hippocampal interactions during consolidation
Dr. Xing Xiao discusses her career and work in Project A09 SFB1315
Episodic and semantic memory
Scientific Project – Episodic Memory Reports: Language-based evidence for experientiality, perspectivity and generativity
Emil Eva Rosina discusses their career and PhD studies and work in Project P10 FOR2812
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
How memory develops in the infant brain
Scientific Project – Ontogenesis of Memory Consolidation: From remembering regularities to specifics
Iryna Schommartz discusses her career and finishing her PhD in Project B04 SFB1315
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Short Break
Memory pathways
Scientific Project – Cellular Circuits of Memory (EN talk)
Silvia Viana de Silva discusses her career and work as an Associate PI in SFB1315
German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Berlin
Stress and memory
Scientific Project – Stress hormone effects on contextualized extinction memories
Jael Caviola discusses her career and PhD in Project A09 SFB1280
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
15:30– Concluding words
Registration closed
For questions, please contact: Mary Louise Grossman
SFB1315 Managing Coordinator
Project Z SFB1315
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
The Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance is a group of DFG-funded research projects focused on memory research. Our scientists – at all stages – speak about their careers to research on memory processes interact with influenced of stress, sleep, and human development.
See also 2023 – 2022 – 2021 Girls’Day events. Visit 2024 Girls’Day Home
Further reading and selected videos:
Let’s Visit the lab of A04/A10 project leader Matthew Larkum
SFB1315 Speaker and NeuroCure member, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Youtube (in English, German subtitles). Courtesy NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence
Let’s Visit the lab of NeuroCure member and A07 PI David Owald
Youtube (in German, English subtitles). Courtesy NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence
Let’s Visit the lab of NeuroCure member and former C01 project leader Peter Hegemenn, HU Berlin
Youtube (in German, English subtitles). Courtesy Neurocure Cluster of Excellence & UniSyScat
Above short films, courtesy of NeuroCure Cluster of Excellence (Linda-Faye Tidwell)
Visit the lab of – Dr. Anja Konietzny, Assoc. Project A10
TPÖ SFB958 FU Berlin Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)