Statistical survey of DFG member programs 2023
January 2024 | DFGThe DFG’s annual survey took place between September and November, 2023.
A very big thanks to all current and past SFB1315 members and associates for submitting your surveys!
As in previous years, the purpose of the survey is to determine how many people are financed by funds from the Excellence Strategy − how many PhDs are completed in RTGs and CRCs − which new professorships will be established in clusters of excellence – and more. Two sources of information help answer these questions: the DFG uses data available while processing proposals and in its annual survey of funded consortia.
Forms, guidelines and much more on the DFG portal.
Area of work for new members (as of Aug 24, 2022): DFG Classification of Scientific Disciplines, Research Areas, Review Boards and Subject Areas
Here are results of the 2023 survey >>