The construction of self: brain, memory and networks

Die Konstruktion des Selbst: Gehirn, Gedächtnis und Netzwerke (talk in German)

May 29, 2018 | 19:30, 90 min | Urania Berlin, An der Urania 17

Our memory makes us who we are – we believe. The sum of our experience and our knowledge is nevertheless not an archive in which memory content is can be stored as in a safe and retrieved when needed, but a network that is constantly reorganising itself and is much more dynamic, than we are usually aware of. The two neurologists Christoph Ploner and Carsten Finke present the results of memory research on patients and healthy people, which show how ephemeral perceptions become memory contents and how they remain, change or be forgotten again.

Berlin Brains are sponsored by the Einstein-Zentrum für Neurowissenschaften, Centrum für Schlaganfallforschung and Exzellenzcluster NeuroCure

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