Information storage in memory engrams
April 18, 2023 | 4 pm | BCCN Lecture Hall Philippstraße 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin + ZOOM Meeting-ID: 775 491 0236How is learned information stored in the brain and how does it interact with the innate representations that underlie instinct? The result of the plasticity that accounts for a given memory can be broadly referred to as an engram. In recent years, the term engram has been operationalized as an ensemble of cells that is activated by a learning experience, undergoes plasticity, and enables specific memory recall. Engram labelling methodologies are now opening new avenues for investigating how learned and innate representations are behaviourally expressed.
In this lecture, I will introduce the background of the broader memory engram field. I will describe how engram cell labelling methodologies allow us to genetically label, observe, and manipulate the specific ensembles of neurons that encode particular memories in the rodent brain. I will then describe our recent research on innate and acquired forms or long-term forgetting in the mouse, by focussing on natural forgetting in adults and infantile amnesia during development. I will outline a novel framework that considers both natural and pathological forgetting to be predictive processes that involve the interaction of a subject’s priors with perceptual experience. I will introduce a perspective whereby instincts can be conceived as innately constructed ‘ingram’ ensembles that can functionally interact with memory engrams. Finally, I will describe our recent research into how instinctual behaviour can change with experience, by probing the mouse’s innate ability to respond to visual and olfactory affordances.
About the Speaker: Tomás Ryan is Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the Trinity College Institute of Neurosciences (TCIN), Trinity College Dublin, at The University of Dublin.
Certificate of attendance: Please contact team assistant serenella.brinati.1@hu-berlin.de
This talk is hosted by SFB1315 subproject B04, and will be introduced by Claudia Buss.