Brenda Milner Award 2022
“It is truly a great honor that an award is to be named after me and I do accept with pleasure.
I do thank you for thinking of me and for keeping me informed about the award process.”
Brenda Milner, Sc.D.Dorothy J. Killam Professor McGill University
Brenda Milner is the renowned British-Canadian clinical neuropsychologist widely regarded as the founder of neuropsychology and as pioneer in the field of memory research – her most famous patient was Henry Molaison – H.M. The CRC1315’s “Brenda Milner Award” was established to recognize an outstanding female scientist in the CRC1315 network. The award comprises financial support amounting to 15.000 EUR for project consumables and collaborations. Depending on number of awardees, the sum may vary.
1. Female members in the CRC1315 network (Phd, Postdocs, GEROK or PI) with “member” or “associate-member” status in the CRC.
2. Demonstration of research impact (e.g. policy and practise and/or research outputs) in line with conceptual recommendations of DORA. Research impacts could include coauthorship of submitted, accepted, in-press and published original papers in which the nominee has contributed significantly to the original work. Mentioned papers must acknowledge CRC funding: e.g., “Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) – Project number 327654276 – SFB 1315.”
1. Name, CRC1315 sub-project number and institutional affiliation.
2. A short paragraph up to 300 words explaining why you wish to nominate the candidate, including if relevant, pdf(s) of submitted, accepted or published original research.
Nomination deadline: Nov 30, 2021
Award announcement: Dec 15, 2021
Effective: Jan 1, 2022
16.07.2018 YouTubeDr. Brenda Miner turns 100-Neuro XXceptional
15.05.2017 New York Times Brenda Milner, Eminent Brain Scientist, Is ‘Still Nosy’ at 98
Xia C (2006) Understanding the human brain: A lifetime of dedicated pursuit. Interview with Brenda Milner. McGill J Med 9(2): 165-172.
More on Neuro-XXceptional, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital
More on Brenda Milner honored @Cognitive Neuroscience Society annual meeting (March 13-16, 2021)
Photos, Courtesy of Brenda Milner. Image, Meera Paleja