DFG Code of Conduct

April 2022 | Version 1.1

Guideline 5, Dimensions of Performance and Assessment Criteria

Image Source (DFG Research Integrity Platform); Text Source DFG; Introducing the Portal: Information for Researchers No. 60 | 7 July 2021

“To assess the performance of researchers, a multidimensional approach is called for; in addition to academic and scientific achievements, other aspects may be taken into consideration. Performance is assessed primarily on the basis of qualitative measures, while quantitative indicators may be incorporated into the overall assessment only with appropriate differentiation and reflection. Where provided voluntarily, individual circumstances stated in curricula vitae – as well as the categories specified in the German General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz) – are taken into account when forming a judgement.”

Code of Conduct – PDF

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