
Die kollaborative Arbeit des SFB erkennt die DFG Förderung an – Projektnummer 327654276 SFB 1315 – und ist größtenteils Open Access, d.h. in öffentlichen und institutionellen Repositorien zu finden.

Neural correlates of successful memory encoding in kindergarten and early elementary school children: Longitudinal trends and effects of schooling

Sophie Nolden, Garvin Brod, Ann-Kristin Meyer, Yana Fandakova, Yee Lee Shing
Cereb Cortex. 31(8):3764-3779 (2021)
B04, Yee Lee Shing - -

Creating detailed metadata for an R-shiny analysis of circadian behavior sequence data

Julien Colomb, York Winter
Front Neurosci (in press) 2021
C01, Z, Julien Colomb, York Winter - -

Thalamic input to motor cortex facilitates goal-directed action initiation

Naoya Takahashi, Sara Moberg, Timothy A. Zolnik, Julien Catanese, Robert N.S. Sachdev, Matthew E. Larkum, Dieter Jaeger
Curr Biol. 31(18):4148-4155.e4 (2021)
A04, Matthew Larkum - -

Memory-relevant nap sleep physiology in healthy and pathological aging

Julia Ladenbauer, Josef Ladenbauer, Nadine Külzow, Agnes Flöel
Sleep. 44(7):zsab002 (2021)
B03, Agnes Flöel - -

Presynaptic and postsynaptic long-term plasticity in sleep homeostasis

Sheng Huang, Stephan J. Sigrist
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 69:1-10 (2021) 
A08, Sheng Huang, Stephan Sigrist - -

A feedforward inhibitory premotor circuit for auditory–vocal interactions in zebra finches

Philipp Norton, Jonathan Benichov, Margarida Pexirra, Susanne Schreiber, Daniela Vallentin
PNAS. 119(23):e211844811 (2022)
A06, Daniela Vallentin, Philipp Norton, Susanne Schreiber - -

Dear interested high school students,

please write us if you would like to visit one of our labs or if you have questions for our scientists.

Dear SFB1315 members,

please send us news of your outreach activities to share with the public!

Participating Institutions