
Die kollaborative Arbeit des SFB erkennt die DFG Förderung an – Projektnummer 327654276 SFB 1315 – und ist größtenteils Open Access, d.h. in öffentlichen und institutionellen Repositorien zu finden.

The stop signal task for measuring behavioral inhibition in mice with increased sensitivity and high-throughput operation

Alican Caglayan, Katharina Stumpenhorst and York Winter
Front Behav Neurosci. 15:777767 (2021)
C02, Katherina Stumpenhorst, York Winter - -

Brain simulation augments machine-learning-based classification of dementia

Paul Triebkorn , Leon Stefanovski, Kiret Dhindsa, Margarita-Arimatea Diaz-Cortes, Patrik Bey, Konstantin Bülau, Roopai Pai, Anreas Spiegler, Ana Solodkin, Viktor Jirsa, Anthony R. McIntosh, Petra Ritter
Alzheimer’s Dement. 2022;8:e12303 (2022)
B06, Konstantin Bülau, Paul Triebkorn, Petra Ritter - -

Long-term cognitive outcome in anti-nmdA receptor encephalitis

Josephine Heine, Ute A. Kopp, Johanna Klag, Christoph J. Ploner, Harald Prüss, Carsten Finke
Ann Neurol 90:949–961 (2021)
B05, Carsten Finke, Christoph Ploner - -

Memories off the top of your head

Jiyun N. Shin, Guy Doron, Matthew E. Larkum
Science. 374(6567): 538-539 (2021)
A04, Guy Doron, Jiyun Shin, Matthew Larkum - -

BiPOLES is an optogenetic tool developed for bidirectional dual-color control of neurons

Johannes Vierock, Silvia Rodriguez-Rozada, Alexander Dieter, Florian Pieper, Ruth Sims, Federico Tenedini, Amelie C. F. Bergs, Imane Bendifallah, Fangmin Zhou, Nadja Zeitzschel, Joachim Ahlbeck, Sandra Augustin, Kathrin Sauter, Eirini Papagiakoumou, Alexander Gottschalk, Peter Soba, Valentina Emiliani, Andreas K. Engel, Peter Hegemann , J. Simon Wiegert
Nat Commun. 12(1):4527 (2021)
C01, Peter Hegemann - -

Hebbian plasticity in parallel synaptic pathways: A circuit mechanism for systems memory consolidation

Michiel Remme, Urs Bergmann, Denis Alevi, Susanne Schreiber, Henning Sprekeler, Richard Kempter
PLOS Comput Biol 17(12):e1009681 (2021)
A06, B01, Denis Alevi, Henning Sprekeler, Richard Kempter, Susanne Schreiber - -

Dear interested high school students,

please write us if you would like to visit one of our labs or if you have questions for our scientists.

Dear SFB1315 members,

please send us news of your outreach activities to share with the public!

Participating Institutions