Dear Members and Colleagues,
Many thanks to our #GirlsDayDigital2021 speakers Clarissa & Annapoorani (A05), Iryna (B04), Tania (A07) & Deetje (B05), who inspired junior and senior highschool and university-aged audience members so much so, that we received several requests for visits to the labs, once in-person meetings are possible again.
Members of B06's (Charité) AG Ritter have shared a video of their recent lab tour. Contact the SFB office for a link.
Also, if you missed A07's Berlin Brains talk @UraniaBerlin, check out PI David Owald and Carlotta Pribbenow on YouTube.
May 11, 2021 | 16:00 CET | ZOOM
Post-encoding persistence of encoding states strengthens individual memories, reorganizes those experiences based on shared features and biases the fate of new memories
Episodic memories can be thought of as sequential associations linked together by a common contextual or event representation. There has been much work examining how individual events become stabilized in memory. Read further >>
Lila Davachi's talk is hosted by B04 PI, YeeLee Shing. See Poster
B04 PhD Iryna Schommartz will host journal club in preparation for Lila Davachi's talk this Friday (07.05) at 14:30. The journal club discussion will be based on Tompary & Davachi (2017) which focuses on the representational overlap in HC and mPFC during and after consolidation. Please contact Lisa Velenosi, our Network Outreach Coordinator, for the ZOOM link.
Berlin–Bochum PhDs
FOR2812, SFB874, SFB1280, and SFB1315 PhDs held their first PhD Peer-Mentoring meeting 30.04 @ 15:00 on ZOOM, to strengthen ties made at the Berlin-Bochum Memory Symposium. Contact Lisa Velenosi for info on how to join the group slack, so you can keep up-to-date on discussions and meetings!
NFDI-Neuro webinar series
Learn more about data management approaches and practises in neuroscience. Petra Ritter's (B06) June 1 webinar will be posted here>>.
Memory-related nap sleep physiology in healthy and pathological aging
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin