Dear Members and Colleagues,
January's newsletter is packed with news and events: we celebrate the 2023 Brenda Milner Award to Alexandra Tzilivaki, inspire with a new alumni interview, announce upcoming INF events and several new publications, and much more.
Now that most projects have hired new members, we would like to extend a very warm welcome to new postdocs, phds & student helpers. Looking forward to working together and wishing you all peace, health and productive collaborations in 2023!
PhD-Postdocs - Meet the alumni
Noam Nitzan (A02 alumnus)
"My graduate work made me appreciate that in order to understand hippocampal function and its involvement in memory one has to look beyond the hippocampus. It therefore set the stage for my postdoctoral work, where I examine signal flow in the extended hippocampal network, including subcortical hippocampal targets"
"I was very privileged during my PhD to receive abundant mentoring, not only from my PI but also from colleagues in the lab and even from neighboring labs. I’d be happy to share my experience with students."
INF Webinar
Projects will establish their VRE requirements, acquire skills related to VRE, data structures and to versioning with Git/GIN Tonic.
Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance Events
20-21 Mar 2023 | Charité Campus Mitte & Environs
3rd Annual Symposium
In the wake of the Brain Awareness Week in Berlin (March 13-19, 2023) the SFB1315 will host the 3rd Annual Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance Symposium 2023 - in person in Berlin.
Please mark your calendars. More on this soon from consortia coordinators!
Equal Opportunity and Diversity
We are very pleased to announce that Alexandra Tzilivaki has been awarded the Brenda Milner Award 2023 with a monetary award of 15000 EUR, for project consumables and/ travel. Alexandra is a PhD student at the ECN Berlin, and is conducting doctoral research in the lab of Dietmar Schmitz at the Charité. Alexandra performed her predoctoral research in the lab of Yiota Poirazi on so-called active dendrites in inhibitory interneurons, and challenged the point neuron dogma that has dominated the field for decades. Specifically, she developed, and used state-of-the-art
biological plausible computational models of hippocampal and neocortical interneurons. She predicted that these cells are capable of complex nonlinear dendritic computations that can advance their computational capabilities during memory engram formation (Nat Commun, 2019). Her doctoral research endeavors to understand how different interneuron subtypes contribute to memory-related oscillatory rhythms, namely sharp-wave ripples in the hippocampus.
>> Read the full announcement here
Berlin-Bochum Girls'Day 2023
Call for speakers!
What: 30' talk + ca. 30' discussion
Goal: inspire interest in neuroscience How: radiate enthusiasm for your SFB project, and share successes and failures that led you to where you are now!
New Year's resolution?
Then subscribe to METIS and learn about events and resources available to you!
Become an Alba Network signatory of the Declaration on Equity and Inclusion!
Recent open access publications
Concurrent contextual and time-distant mnemonic information co-exist as feedback in the human visual cortex
Ortiz-Tudela J, Bergmann J, Bennett M, Ehrlich I, Muckli L, Shing YL.
NeuroImage (2022)
Distinct multivariate structural brain profiles are related to variations in short- and long-delay memory consolidation across children and young adults
A brain-wide form of presynaptic active zone plasticity orchestrates resilience to brain aging in Drosophila
PLoS Biol 20(12): e3001730 (2022)
Calcium-permeable channelrhodopsins for the photocontrol of calcium signalling
Lahore, RGF, Pampaloni, NP, Peter E, Heim M.M, Tillert L, Vierock J, Oppermann J, Walther J, Schmitz D, Owald D, Plested AJR, Rost BR, Hegemann P.
Nat Commun. 13:7844 (2022)
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin