Dear Members and Colleagues,
April 2021 marks the launch of internal reviews of 2022-2026 project proposals. If you haven't done so, mark your calendars for the DFG's assessment of SFB1315/2 on December 8-9, 2021. In this issue of recent news and upcoming events, we would like to share a kind reminder to our members and associates: If your sub-project has not yet hosted a speaker in the SFB1315 lecture series, please send your ideas and suggestions to the Coordination Office for our 2022 series.
After the success of our joint Brain Awareness Week lecture by György Buzsáki - with 490 participants and a great meet-the-speaker session - A06's Berlin Brains talk by A06 PI Daniela Vallentin & Fabian Heim hit 378 views on YouTube!
Don't miss the next Berlin Brains livestream (in German) April 20, 2021 @19:30 Gedächtnis und Müdigkeit Warum uns eine Fliege interessieren sollte? with A07 PI David Owald and Carlotta Pribbenow.
April 13, 2021 | 16:00 CET | ZOOM
Neural circuits and neurophysiology for learning and memory
In humans and animals, episodic memory requires the concerted association of objects, space and time coordinated by the entorhinal cortex (EC)-hippocampal (HPC) network. It remains unknown how the EC-HPC network spatially and temporally associates the diverse set of information (where, what, when and who) in a single episode. Using advanced mouse genetics combined with viral tracing, in vitro and in vivo electrophysiology, in vivo calcium imaging and optogenetics, I search specific neuronal circuits for encoding each components (where, what, when and who) of episodic memory. Read more >>.
Takashi Kitamura's talk is hosted by A05 PI, James Poulet. See Poster
On March 25, 2021, ECN PhDs in the Scholar Minds network series Growing up in Science – Berlin, invited B04's co-PI Yee Lee Shing to give her unofficial story about growing up in Malaysia, studying in the US, and becoming a professor in Germany. Yee Lee also shares her thoughts on equal opportunity and career in her METIS interview here >>
Ritter Lab (Charité, Brain Simulation Section)
April 29, 2021 | 10:00-12:00 | Zoom
Synaptic learning rules for sequence learning
Eric T. Reifenstein, Ikhwan Khalid and Richard Kempter (2021) eLife. In press
(For a preview of the in-press article, see the pre-print on bioRxiv.)
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Larkum Lab
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin