Dear Members and Colleagues,
Images, Top: SFB1315 Retreat CCO, courtesy of Thomas Bruhn; middle: Deetje Igenna, courtesy of Soapbox Science and bottom: Livia de Hoz, courtesy of Jovan Dragelj.
A big thank you from Speaker Matthew Larkum to all SFB members, associates and guests who shared progress on work and collaborations, and brainstormed at the SFB's annual retreat in Berlin. Thanks too, to Livia de Hoz (PI A09) and Deetje Iggena (Postdoc B05) for discussing their projects with the public during "Soapbox Science" at Berlin Science Week, and to Petra Ritter for her continual outreach efforts on behalf of the Berlin neuroscience community. This month, take advantage of the chance to meet the speaker at the next SFB1315 talk with David Dupret (University of Oxford). Also in December, the SFB women's networking retreat in Rheinsberg features a power-packed programme planned by associate PIs and juniors with talks by Petra Ritter and members of the Charitè Research Grants Office.
The year is not over, but on behalf of Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter and the SFB's Steering Committee, we would like to wish you all a peaceful holiday season, health and happiness - as well as success - in all of your endeavors in 2025!
Please contact Lisa Velenosi to join the planning committee of the next Berlin-Bochum Early Career Researcher meeting, to be held in Berlin in March 2025.
Image, ML Grossman
Call for speakers GirlsDay 2025
April 3, 2025 | ca. 10-3 pm | CCO & campus
We aim to have one or two speakers from each consortium for the event. Please let us know if you would like to participate as speaker in 2025 (programme details may differ, but talks will be similar in length to those in previous years 2024 and 2023.
Brain Network Dynamics in Maladaptive Memories
Dec 10, 2024 4:00 pm CET | BCCN Lecture Hall Philippstraße 13/Haus 6 | ZOOM ID: 7754910236
Memories shape everyday behaviour, typically informing effective responses but sometimes driving maladaptive ones. This process engages complex patterns of neuronal activity across distributed brain networks, including the hippocampus. What features of neural activity underlie memory-guided behaviour?
Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Image, courtesy Kim Mason
Dec 2, 2024 |11:00 am | ZOOM-ID 95761653396, code 487086 This month, Kim Mason (image left, Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure, Equal Opportunity and Diversity) will introduce:
Empowerment for Doctoral Researchers with Care Responsibilities
Dec 10 & 17, 2024 | Dahlem Research School, Hittorfstraße 16, Room 004
Doctoral researchers with care responsibilities and those who wish to have children are invited to discuss challenges of juggling academic and care work. More info here >>
The SFB1315 Steering Committee is pleased to announce its fifth(!) call for nominations for the Brenda Milner Award 2025. Nominations for excellent female scientists in the SFB1315 are invited from all members and associates. >> more info
From bike to bench! A day in the life of B04 member Johannes Mohn
Finishing up his PhD in B04, Johannes is showcased on the Charité's Instagram account. The #adayinthelife series shows how young researchers at Charité spend their workdays. Watch the full reel here >>
Image, courtesy Johannes Mohn
Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance
Staffel 3 Folge 10, Staffelfinale: Frag einen Hirnforscher
Wir sind am Ende der 3. Staffel angekommen! 30 Folgen »Kannste Vergessen?«, d.h. über 22 geschlagene Stunden im Gespräch mit den Forschenden im SFB 1280 Extinktionslernen. Zeit also, zum Staffelende einmal zurückzuschauen auf die Themen und Fragen, die den Sonderforschungsbereich bewegt haben. Gast ist diesmal wieder Onur Güntürkün, der als Sprecher des SFB 1280 und als erfahrener Hirnforscher zusammen mit Rainer Holl über die Forschungsergebnisse des SFB spricht. Und als großes Spezial beantwortet er eure Fragen zum Hirn, zum Gedächtnis und zum Bewusstsein.
GEM 2025 - Generative Episodic Memory
June 2 - 4, 2025 | Ruhr University Bochum | Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum
Episodic memories are widely regarded as memories of personally experienced events. Early concepts about episodic memory were based on the storage model, according to which experiential content is preserved in memory and later retrieved. However, overwhelming empirical evidence suggests that the content of episodic memory is – at least to a certain degree – constructed in the act of remembering. [...] Read more here >>
The call for abstracts is open!
Deadlines: Call for abstracts 15.03.2025 | Registration 30.04.2025
For more information visit >>
Furutsu-Novikov–like cross-correlation–response relations for systems driven by shot noise
Phys. Rev. X 14, 041047 (2024)
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin