Newsletter November 2024

Dear Members and Colleagues,

Congratulations to SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, who has been selected among the top 100 scientific researchers in Berlin, in 2024!

Image, Berlin University Alliance

This month, Berlin Science Week fortuitously intersects with regular outreach formats of the Berlin neuroscience community. Don't miss Livia de Hoz and Deetje Iggena as they engage with the public at "Soapbox Science" and Petra Ritter at "Einstein in the Dome," in early November.

In the midst of these events and more, members and associates will share progress and discuss future directions at our 7th annual retreat in Berlin, November 11-12, 2024. See you then!


2024 ECN student-postdoc speaker series

Rhythms of the Mind – From Theory to Bench and Bedside
Rethinking Synapses – Exploring Synaptic Complexity and Diversity
Enlightening Neuroscience – Optogenetics from Green Algae to the Brain

SFB1315 Events

Image, RUB, Marquard

Keynote Lecture
Onur Güntürkün (RUB)

SFB1315 7th Annual SFB1315 Retreat
Nov 11, 2024 | ca. 16:00 | CCO, in person
Read more about Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance partner and SFB1280 Speaker, Onur Güntürkün (Ruhr-University Bochum) via his lab website, Biophysiology >>
Dec 3, 2024 | 16:00 | BCCN/hybrid | BCCN Lecture Hall Philippstraße 13/Haus 6 | ZOOM ID: 7754910236
Brain development is not a linear process. The relevance of critical time windows of development has been extensively documented for sensory systems, yet it is still a matter of debate, whether similar processes occur in brain areas accounting for cognitive behavior, such as the prefrontal cortex. Recent data from our lab demonstrate that during neonatal development, perturbation of prefrontal activity dramatically disrupts network functions and cognition of adults.
Dec 10, 2024 4:00 pm CET | BCCN Lecture Hall Philippstraße 13/Haus 6 | ZOOM ID: 7754910236
Memories shape everyday behaviour, typically informing effective responses but sometimes driving maladaptive ones. This process engages complex patterns of neuronal activity across distributed brain networks, including the hippocampus. What features of neural activity underlie memory-guided behaviour?

Equal Opportunity and Diversity

Image, courtesy Kim Mason

DRIVERS (journal club online)

Nov 4, 2024 |11:00 am | ZOOM-ID 95761653396, code 487086
This month, Kim Mason (image left, Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure, Equal Opportunity and Diversity) will introduce:

Image header, www.berlinscienceweek.com

Berlin Brains meets Berlin Science Week:
Sex and Gender in Mental Health: Why Sex Matters

Nov 5, 2024 | 20:00 – 21:30 | Kinosaal Zeiss Großplanetarium, Prenzlauer Allee 80, 10405 Berlin
More and more people are suffering from stress and depression. To effectively help them, studies using animal models are indispensable. But how can mental health be studied in animals? And what influence does sex have on the course of the illness and its treatment? Hanna Hoernberg and Tobias Pohl provide insights into the biology of the psyche. Their research illustrates how significantly sex can impact mental health and well-being, and what new therapeutic options might result from it.
Berlin Science Week >>

Image courtesy METIS HU Berlin

Annual METIS Lecture
Nov 28, 2024 | 14:00-16:00 | ZOOM
Dr Anna Ransiek (FU Berlin) will use the example of MATH+ to discuss career obstacles for female scientists in research networks.
More on Dr. Anna Ransiek
More on math as a research object

Registration deadline: Nov 27, 2024 via metis-online@hu-berlin.de


Soapbox Science meets Berlin Science Week

Poster | 02.11 poster | 10.11 poster

Image, courtesy Deetje Iggena

Deetje Iggena (B05 postdoc)

2 November 2024 | 12:00 - 14:00 CAMPUS event | Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Invalidenstr. 43, 10115 Berlin
"Wo leben die Affen? Die Transformation von räumlichen Erinnerungen über Jahrzehnte.
Das Verständnis, wie wir räumliche Informationen über die Zeit konsolidieren, ist entscheidend für das Verständnis der gedächtnisgesteuerten räumlichen Navigation.
>> Read more, at Berlin Science Week: link

Image, courtesy Livia de Hoz

Livia de Hoz (A09 PI)

10 November, 2024 | 17:00 - 19:00 FORUM event | Holzmarkt 25, Berlin
"Your brain is a natural statistician: it listens even when you don't
The environment surrounding each of us is made of a myriad of sounds, images or odours, in combinations that are continuously changing, often in predictable ways. Our brain readily detects and learns these patterns, often automatically, independently of its immediate relevance."
>> Visit Livia at Berlin Science Week: link

Image header, www.einsteinfoundation.de

Einstein in the Dome - Mein virtuelles Gehirn

Nov 6, 2024 | 19:00 - 20:30 | Zeiss-Großplanetarium, Prenzlauer Allee 80, 10405 Berlin
In her talk, neuroscientist Petra Ritter explores the potential of brain simulations, focusing on how data from brain imaging can be used to create virtual patient "avatars." These avatars help simulate individual brains and can be applied in various areas, including clinical settings, education, and entertainment [...] Read more (in German) >>
The talk is in German.
Registration is required >>

Open Access Publications

Non-canonical function of ADAM10 in presynaptic plasticity

Julia Bär, Tomas Fanutza, Christopher C. Reimann, Lisa Seipold, Maja Grohe, Janike Rabea Bolter, Flemming Delfs, Michael Bucher, Christine E Gee, Michaela Schweizer, Paul Saftig, Marina Mikhaylova
Cell Mol Life Sci. 81:342 (2024)


sfb_0045_B01 PI Richard Kempter

Propagation of sharp wave-ripple activity in the mouse hippocampal CA3 subfield in vitro

Schieferstein N, Del Toro A, Evangelista R, Imbrosci B, Swaminathan A, Schmitz D, Maier N, Kempter R
J Physiol. 602(19):5039-5059 (2024)


Female calls promote song learning in malejuvenile zebra finches

Linda Bistere, Carlos M. Gomez-Guzman, Yirong Xiong, Daniela Vallentin


Mating proximity blinds threat perception

Cazalé-Debat L, Scheunemann L, Day M, Fernandez-D V Alquicira T, Dimtsi A, Zhang Y, Blackburn LA, Ballardini C, Greenin-Whitehead K, Reynolds E, Lin AC, Owald D, Rezaval C

Nature. 634, 635–643 (2024)


Institut für Biologie
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.

Management & Coordination
Mary Louise Grossman.
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin

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