Newsletter August - September 2024
Dear Members and Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce that our SFB1315 lecture series resumes Sept 10 with a talk by Sarah Ayash (Leibniz Institute for Resilience Research, Mainz).
Read about upcoming themed discussions, project retreats, outreach and more in this issue of the newsletter. We look forward to catching up with many of you soon.
Foto: Sarah Ayash
Themed discussions
B03 Postdoc Julia Ladenbauer, PhD-postdocs moderated a themed discussion on Excitation-inhibition balance shifts during sleep and their role in memory consolidation. Join the discussion! Contact PhD-postdoc coordinator Darko Komnenić.
Doctoral students within the consortium are encouraged to reach out to our teaching coordinator, as well as to our postdocs, alumni, and admin for mentoring and general assistance.
Get involved and ask us about becoming a mentee or a mentor.
Career Lunch Talk with Pascale Eede
Pascale is a MedNeuro alumna and finished her PhD at the Charité in Berlin in 2020. She then moved to Hamburg to work as a Research Associate for Evotec before starting as a Venture Developer for Apollo Health Ventures. She is also a Board Observer for BE Therapeutics. Pascale will talk about her career journey from academia to research in industry, and her transition into the world of venture capital.
Register here for the talk >>
SFB1315 Lecture Series
Sept 10 2024 | 4:15 pm CET | ZOOM ID: 7754910236
Neural basis of learning and memory in resilience to social stress
When exposed to overwhelming stress, some individuals become chronically ill, while others show resilience and rapidly recover from adversity. This is particularly true for chronic social defeat (CSD) stress, where mice models serve to unravel the underlying mechanisms. In my published work, we have refined the current CSD model by showing that defeat-induced social avoidance involves conditioned learning. Specifically, some mice, when avoiding conspecifics, could still discriminate between individuals from the aggressors’ strain (discriminating-avoiders DA).... >> Read more and share the poster here >>
Themed discussion: Outreach
Sept 24, 2024 | CCO | 16:00
The next SFB's themed discussion will focus on Outreach and be moderated by B05 PI Christoph Ploner.
SFB Speaker Matthew Larkum invites projects to initiate more themed discussions (topics so far have included tools, ripples, engrams, theories of memory consolidation, schemas, sleep, and more.) Send your themes to Matthew Larkum via the coordination office. To learn more, visit SFB1315 Internal.
7th Annual SFB1315 Retreat
Nov 11-12, 2024 | CCO, Berlin
The SFB's 7th annual retreat (5th time in person!) will be held in Berlin. We are pleased to confirm invited speaker Onur Güntürkün SFB1280.
Kindly register via SFB1315 Internal. Questions? Please contact Marylu.
2nd Annual Women's Retreat
Dec 4-6, 2024 | Seehotel Rheinsberg
The Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance Women's 2nd annual retreat will be held again in Rheinsberg. This year, invited speaker Ileana Hanganu-Opatz (UKE) will join the programme. Kindly register via SFB1315 Internal.
Volunteers, please contact Marylu.
Equal Opportunity and Diversity
DRIVERS (journal club online)
This month, DRIVERS will discuss "A matter of time? Gender and ethnic inequality in the academic publishing careers of Dutch PhDs" by Mulders et al. 2024. https://doi.org/10.1162/qss_a_00306. The Journal Club Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS) aims to foster monthly discussions on literature related to "Responsible Research and Innovation" (RRI) and Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) in science (Source, BIH). DRIVERS is jointly organized by BIH, BIH QUEST, ECN and NeuroCure.
Netzwerk Mutterschaft und Wissenschaft
„Care and (Un)Fair? Diskriminierung von Eltern in Forschungsförder-programmen“
October 17, 2024 | 17:00 – 19:00 | Seminarzentrum FU Berlin and online
Parents and caregivers experience drastic disadvantages in the German academic world. Discrimination can only be counteracted if this is made visible. We invite you to discuss the results and recommendations for action from our pilot study with us and our panel guests.
You can register for the event at this link and find out more about the pilot study.
Hirnstimulation – Eine Frage der Einstellung? (in German)
Sep 18, 2024 | 19:30 | Villa Neukölln, Hermannstraße 233, 12049 Berlin-Neukölln
Mit ins Gehirn implantierten Elektroden können Bewegungsstörungen und andere neurologische Erkrankungen therapiert werden. Wie lässt sich die weltweit zugelassene und erfolgreich angewendete "tiefe Hirnstimulation" optimieren? Dr. Lucia Feldmann und Dr. Jan Roediger berichten, wie Hirnstimulation individuell an Patient:innen angepasst wird und wie dies in Zukunft weiter verbessert werden kann.
Outreach focus
The initiatives "Tierversuche verstehen" and "Initiative Transparente Tierversuche" promote transparency in animal research across Germany by encouraging institutions to share detailed information about their animal testing practices. The initiatives aim to improve public understanding and foster open communication by offering informational resources on their websites. We plan to share more information on a regular basis on the participation of SFB institutions in these initiatives.
A neuroethological view of the multifaceted sensory influences on birdsong
Curr Opin Neurobiol. 86:102867 (2024)
Non-canonical function of ADAM10 in presynaptic plasticity
Julia Bär, Tomas Fanutza, Christopher C. Reimann, Lisa Seipold, Maja Grohe, Janike Rabea Bolter, Flemming Delfs, Michael Bucher, Christine E Gee, Michaela Schweizer, Paul Saftig, Marina Mikhaylova Cell Mol Life Sci. (2024)
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin