Dear Members and Colleagues,
Many thanks to B05 PI Christoph Ploner for his enduring efforts to help realise the Theater of Memory project in cooperation with artists Tim Otto Roth and Miriam Seidler - and thanks to Livia de Hoz, Marina Mikhaylova, Petra Ritter, David Owald and Matthew Larkum for their participation in the accompanying symposium.
On Feb 13, on the occasion of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science, the BIH and MDC invite you to visit the exhibition STEM Passion "A Journey Inspired by Women in Science". Our A03, A10 PI Marina Mikhaylova will be featured!
Exhibition Opens Feb 13, 2024 | 4 - 8 pm | Rahel Hirsch Center for Translational Medicine, Luisenstr. 65, 10117 Berlin
Despite the fact, that women face higher barriers in science, they represent an important driving force for scientific progress in STEM disciplines. The exhibition STEM Passion by Elisabetta Citterio and Claudia Cagliano portraits women in science with different backgrounds and honors their success and will be shown at BIH from 13.2.-12.3.2024 at Rahel Hirsch Center for Translational Medicine.
Call for Speakers!
SFB1315 Lecture Series 2024 and 2025 | 4 pm | "Green" lectures at BCCN Lecture Hall Philippstraße 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin + ZOOM: 775 491 0236
Two spaces are available for digital lectures in Nov & Dec 2024, and slots are free between Jan and June 2025.
Send your suggestions to sfb1315.ifb@hu-berlin.de
Equal Opportunity and Diversity
Deadline: 31st April 2024.
Caroline von Humboldt-Prize 2024
The Caroline von Humboldt Prize (CvH Prize) is awarded annualy to a female postdoc who do not hold a regular professorship and whose PhD was completed not more than seven years ago. Entrants need to be nominated by a professor for this prestigious award. The prize money should enable the winner to carry out a research project at Humboldt-Universität (“Scientist in Residence”).
Journal Club for Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS)
Feb 5, 2024, 11 am | ZOOM
All are invited to discuss relevant literature on RRI and diversity, paying critical attention to how these topics intersect, and the role of research assessment and its reform.
February DRIVERS articles can also be found here >>
Organized by: Cluster of Excellence NeuroCure, Value and Open Science; ECN, Career Development; BIH QUEST Center, Incentives and Responsible Research Assessment; BIH, Equal Opportunity and Diversity; BIH QUEST Center, Incentives and Responsible Research Assessmen; NC, Equal Opportunity and Diversity.
Soapbox Science 2024 will take place:
June 29, 2024 | 3 - 6 pm | Holzmarkt 25, Berlin
Soapbox Science is very happy to announce its call for speakers 2024 until the 29th of February Are you a woman*, gender queer or non-binary person in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine) and passionate about your science? Have you been waiting for that perfect opportunity to talk to people about your work? Do you want to receive training in science communication?
Theater of Memory – Transdisciplinary symposium on neuron aesthetics
The Stiftung Charité-funded "Theater of Memory" project, is co-conceived by artists Tim Otto Roth, Miriam Seidler in cooperation with B05 PI Christoph Ploner. At its symposium in January, stimulating discussions were held between SFB project leaders (Livia de Hoz, Marina Mikhaylova, Petra Ritter, David Owald and Matthew Larkum) and artists, cultural historians and scientists in a lively interdisciplinary exchange.
You can still visit the Theater of Memory at the HU's TAT until 03.02.2024.
Structure and function of the hippocampal CA3 module
Rosanna P. Sammons, Mourat Vezir, Laura Moreno-Velasquez, Gaspar Cano, Marta Orlando, Meike Sievers, Eleonora Grasso, Verjinia D. Metodieva, Richard Kempter, Helena Schmidt, and Dietmar Schmitz
PNAS. 121 (6)e231228112 (2024)
Cognitive training and brain stimulation in patients with cognitive impairment: a randomized controlled trial
Daria Antonenko, Anna Elisabeth Fromm, Friederike Thams, Anna Kuzmina, Malte Backhaus, Elena Knochenhauer, Shu‐Chen Li, Ulrike Grittner and Agnes Flöel
Alzheimers Res Ther. 16(1):6 (2024)
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin