Newsletter July 2024

Dear Members and Colleagues,

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you, and all of our neuroscience partners in and outside of Berlin, for joining our events in the first half of 2024. Please continue to send us your feedback and suggestions via the coordination office.

On behalf of Matthew and the Steering Committee, wishing you a restful summer break.


Themed discussions

Our PhD-postdocs held a successful themed discussion on Ripples, organized by B05 PhD Maria Alcobendas. The next themed discussion, organized by B03 Postdoc Julia Ladenbauer, will focus on Excitation-inhibition balance shifts during sleep and their role in memory consolidation. Join the discussion!


Doctoral students within the consortium are encouraged to reach out to our teaching coordinator, as well as to our postdocs, alumni, and admin for mentoring and general assistance.
Get involved and ask us about becoming a mentee or a mentor.
Contact Darko Komnenić.

SFB1315 Events

Themed discussion: Loops

July 17, 2024 | CCO | 12:00
The next SFB's themed discussion will focus on Loops and be moderated by A09 PI Livia de Hoz. Matthew invites projects to initiate more themed discussions (topics so far have included tools, ripples, engrams, theories of memory consolidation, schemas, sleep, and more.) Please send further themes to Matthew Larkum via the coordination office.
To learn more, visit SFB1315 Internal.

7th Annual SFB1315 Retreat

Nov 11-12, 2024 | CCO, Berlin
The SFB's 7th annual retreat (5th time in person!) will be held in Berlin. We are pleased to confirm invited speaker Onur Güntürkün SFB1280.
Kindly register via SFB1315 Internal. Questions? Please contact Marylu.

2nd Annual Women's Retreat

Dec 4-6, 2024 | Seehotel Rheinsberg
The Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance Women's 2nd annual retreat will be held again in Rheinsberg. This year, invited speaker Ileana Hanganu-Opatz (UKE) will join the programme. Kindly register via SFB1315 Internal.
Volunteers, please contact Marylu.

Equal Opportunity and Diversity

Charité Mentoring

July 15, 2024 | deadline to apply
Target: Female postdocs, PhD students in the final stage of their dissertation, junior professors, and junior group leaders
Start: September 2024
Contact: Dr. Ingar Abels, MCC Charité

DRIVERS (journal club online)

Sept. 2, 2024 | Online | Contact Kim Mason
The Journal Club Diversity and Responsible Research and Innovation (DRIVERS) aims to foster monthly discussions on literature related to "Responsible Research and Innovation" (RRI) and Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) in science (Source, BIH).

DRIVERS is jointly organized by BIH, BIH QUEST, ECN and NeuroCure.


FENS (June 25-29, Vienna) & SfN (Oct 5-9, Chicago)

Many thanks to Tobias Niemann (SyNergy) for coordination of the Network of German Neurocenters, including the SFB1315, at FENS and SfN this year.
Learn more about project A04
Learn more about project B05
A very kind reminder to please share project videos that are now online. Coming soon: A07!

Produced by the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Computer- und Medienservice)

Lernen, Vergessen und Erinnern

The SFB1208 Podcast has a new episode: »Ein kleiner Chip für einen Menschen…«
More about the Podcast: >>

All Podcasts: >>

Berlin Science Week

Nov 1-10, 2024

Guided by the leitmotif “Dare to Know”, we partner with organisations from around the globe to showcase scientific excellence, promote debates on the world‘s major challenges, and find new, interactive, and fun ways to make science, research, and innovation accessible and engaging.
Call to action: >>Get involved

Source, @BerlinSciWeek

Open Access Publications

Cognitive training of mice attenuates age-related decline in associative learning and behavioral flexibility

Dalia Attalla, Alexej Schatz, Katharina Stumpenhorst, York Winter
Front Behav Neurosci. 18:1326501 (2024)


Efficient axonal transport of endolysosomes relies on the balanced ratio of microtubule tyrosination and detyrosination

Anja Konietzny, Yuhao Han, Yannes Popp, Bas van Bommel, Aditi Sharma, Philippe Delagrange, Nicolas Arbez, Marie-Jo Moutin, Leticia Peris, Marina Mikhaylova
J Cell Sci. 137 (8): jcs261737 (2024)


Institut für Biologie
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.

Management & Coordination
Mary Louise Grossman.
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin

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