Dear Members and Colleagues,
Please join us in thanking our wonderful #Girls'Day speakers - Tanja Fernandez del Valle Alquicira, Anja Konietzny, Toya Kubina, Francesca Righetti, Linda-Jhelisa Tillert, and Sandhiya Vijayabaskaran - who all made the 2023 event a success.
Among this month's highlights is a lecture series talk with Robert Stickgold (Harvard Medical School) on May 9, 2023 at 4 pm! Hope to see you then.
News: ERC Advanced Grant awarded to Stephan Sigrist
March 30, 2023 I ERC & FU Press
A08 PI Stephan Sigrist (FU Berlin) has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant by the European Research Council. Over a five-year period, he will carry out the project “SynProtect,” focusing on the biochemical foundations of brain resilience:
“The extent to which our brain is able to build up resilience and stabilize throughout our lifetime strongly determines whether or not our brains can maintain cognitive performance and whether the risk of dementia increases”
Sleep, Memories and Dreams: A Unified View
May 9, 2023 | 16:00 | ZOOM Meeting-ID: 775 491 0236
The benefits that sleep confers on memory are surprisingly widespread. For simple procedural skills – how to ride a bicycle or distinguish different coins in one’s pocket – a night of sleep or an afternoon nap following learning leads to an absolute and dramatic improvement in performance. Sleep also stabilizes verbal memories, reducing their susceptibility to interference and decay, processes that all too easily lead to forgetting.
Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance
Image, GEM2023 Twitter @DFG_FOR2812
GEM 2023
Jun 12-14, 2023 | Hosted by FOR 2812
The conference "Generative Episodic Memory: Interdisciplinary perspectives from neuroscience, psychology and philosophy" (GEM 2023) features keynote speakers, a PhD symposium and events for women (Women in Memory Research).
Follow GEM2023 and FOR2812 on Twitter @DFG_FOR2812 or tag us #gem2023
DFG News: Funding for Research Careers
DFG Prospects Lecture Series
Which funding program best suits you? In the Prospects lecture series, the DFG Team "Careers" will give PhDs/postdocs a compact overview of DFG funding opportunities. All talks >> link.
Equal opportunity & diversity: ProFiL call for applications
17th Call for applications
Deadline May 26, 2023 | BUA
Female scholars with a habilitation, habilitation candidates, junior professors, leaders of junior research groups and postdocs of the three cooperating Berlin universities (Berlin University Alliance) and the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. Apply >> link
Recent open access publication
Differential ripple propagation along the hippocampal longitudinal axis
Roberto De Filippo, Dietmar Schmitz
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin