Dear Members and Colleagues,
An image of a fruit fly brain. Individual nerve cells are marked through targeted activation (magenta), while neuronal connections are shown in green. © Anatoli Ender (Charité Press Report, ERCCoG).
Please mark your calendars for our March 14 lecture with Robin Hiesinger (FU Berlin). See you then!
PhD-Postdocs: Meet-the-alumni
Roberta Evangelista (A01)
January 31, 2023 | BASE Foundation, Basel Switzerland
Together with career and personal development workshops and constant exchange with fellow PhDs, all this influenced my decision to search for a job in data science. Overall, the time I spent at Humboldt University was crucial in shaping my interest in data science and, even though my current position might seem far away from what I have been working on during my PhD, I do see it as a natural progression that mixes my background with the interests I have developed along the way.
PhD Program of the CRC1315
07/2022-06/2026 | CRC1315 PhDs
The CRC1315 is collaborating with the ECN to coordinate its doctoral program, consisting of 30 ECTS to support candidates' doctoral research (see overview >> ). The program consists of a mix of mandatory and elective courses offered by the ECN, the SFB1315, and the wider-Berlin neuroscientific environment. The teaching program is created by the doctoral student together with the teaching coordinator Lisa Velenosi. Contact Lisa for further information!
Spencer L. Smith
February 16, 2022 | 14:00 | BCCN Lecture Hall Philippstraße 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin
Spencer Smith's (UC Santa Barbara) work ranges from dendritic to mesoscopic imaging in the visual cortex.
This talk is hosted with AGs Judkewitz and Plested, as a joint lecture with AGs Mikhaylova & Larkum (A10/A04)
Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance
3rd Annual Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance Symposium
March 20-21, 2023 | 14:00 CET | CCO, Virchowweg 6 Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin
In this year's Symposium, project work will be shared at poster sessions and - where possible - labs will be opened for short visits.
The Berlin-Bochum PhD Symposium 2023 will also be held in person during the morning of 20 March. PhDs wishing to join or to help organize the PhD symposium should contact our PhD student coordinator for further details.
New CV templates, rules for publication lists, and more
January 30, 2023 | DFG Rundbrief an die Sonderforschungsbereiche Nr. 1 / 2023
Read the news (in German) about changes to funding guidelines in CRCs, as well as new CV templates, rules for publication lists, an information service on equal opportunity and diversity, and more.
Equal opportunity and diversity
Existing, implemented and planned measures
View our marketplace of measures a.k.a. our first and second funding period roadmap, serving CRC1315 members.
Share your EO&D literature!
Recent open access publication
WiChR, a highly potassium-selective channelrhodopsin for low-light one- and two-photon inhibition of excitable cells
Johannes Vierock, Enrico Peter, Christiane Grimm, Andrey Rozenberg, I-Wen Chen, Linda Tillert, Alejandro G. Castro Scalise, Marilù Casini, Sandra Augustin, Dimitrii Tanese, Benoît C. Forget, Rémi Peyronnet, Franziska Schneider-Warme, Valentina Emiliani, Oded Béjà, Hegemann P.
Sci Adv 8(49):eadd7729 (2022)
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin