Dear Members and Colleagues,
On behalf of Matthew, thanks for making our annual mid-year meeting a success. Our next event is a hybrid talk with Timothy Bredy (Queensland Brain Institute), in August.
This month, we have a wonderful alumni interview with Anja Konietzny (A10), announcements for all, and resources for PhDs and postdocs!
PhD-Postdocs: Meet -the-alumni
Meet-the-Alumna | Anja Konieztny (A10 Postdoc)
...through my involvement with the A10 project I was not only able to learn a bunch of new hands-on experimental techniques (mainly involving RNA sequencing and the non-trivial analysis of RNAseq results), but through participating in a SFB1315 retreat and through collaborating with other SFB1315 labs, especially with C01, I got to know many new cutting-edge technologies and molecular tools that I didn’t really know existed before, which has definitely broadened my horizon on “what is possible” experimentally.
BUA Postdoc Academy
The newly founded Berlin University Alliance (BUA) Postdoc Academy aims to develop and implement measures supporting postdoc career development,
Sign up for the mailing list here >>.
Synapse-enriched long non-coding RNAs drive synaptic plasticity and memory formation
August 4, 2023 | 4 pm | BCCN Lecture Hall Philippstraße 13 Haus 6, 10115 Berlin + ZOOM Meeting-ID: 775 491 0236
We have identified a specific set of experienced-dependent lncRNAs that accumulate in the synaptic compartment within the infralimbic prefrontal cortex of adult male C57/Bl6 mice. Among these was a splice variant related to the stress-associated lncRNA, Gas5.
RNA immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry and single-molecule imaging revealed that this Gas5 isoform, in association with the RNA binding proteins G3bp2 and Caprin1, regulates the activity-dependent trafficking and clustering of RNA granules. Read more >>
DFG Funding Opportunities for Research Careers
Talks in May, June, September, November and December 2023
SFB1315/2 Project videos
2023-2024 | all labs | online & in person
Following up on the short films made for the SFB's second funding period application, the HU Computer and Media Service (CMS) is now producing higher quality videos of all SFB projects. A04 has already been filmed and B05 is working on its script. We in the Z team look forward to helping with the coordination of projects films.
November 30, 2023 | 7.30 pm | Kinosaal Zeiss Großplanetarium, Prenzlauer Allee 80 (in German)
Die Ampel für's Gehirn
Speaker Team: Marina Mikhaylova (PI), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Head Optobiology, & Nathalie Hertrich (PhD), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Optobiology
Mark your calendars and plan to join us - free entrance!
Recent open access publications
The perceptual categorization of multidimensional stimuli is hierarchically organized
Chi Chen and Livia de Hoz
iScience. 26,106941 (2023)
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin