Dear Members and Colleagues,
We are easing back into in-person and hybrid formats, along with online formats, for our lab tours, SFB1315 lectures, and in our support of international speakers in the Neurocolloquium lecture series. Stay up to date by visiting our calendar of events and subscribing to our newsletter.
Upcoming lab tour
After the success of A05's hybrid lab tour on April 1, 2022, Lisa is already coordinating B06's lab tour with members of AG Düzel, at Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg. Visit PhD-Postdocs for relevant updates.
SFB1315 Lecture Series and Neurocolloquium
Our next SFB1315 lecture on May 10, 2022 will be held by Melanie Sekeres (University of Ottawa). In addition, upcoming Neurocolloquium talks include (but are not limited to) Lu-Yang Wang (28.04.2022, U of Toronto) hosted by C01 PI Christian Rosenmund; Loren Frank (12.05.2022, HHMI Kavli IFN U of California San Francisco) hosted by A04 PI Matthew Larkum; and Emilie Macé (30.06.2022, MPI Neurobiology, Munich) hosted by series co-organizer and A05 PI Benjamin Judkewitz.
Berlin–Bochum Memory Alliance
Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance
To reduce the number of emails sent out to Alliance members, please refer to our joint website (https://memory-alliance.de/) with its calendar of events for FOR2812 and SFB's 874, 1280 & 1315. You are welcome to attend any event that is published on this calendar.
The 7th season of the Charité and Urania's collaboration is presented by ECN, NeuroCure, MDC, SFB1315, and BCCN Berlin.
Can you raise your left eyebrow? How much the brain knows about how the body moves
April 28, 2022 at 19:30 | Urania Berlin
Elisa Filevich, Polina Arbuzova
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
"We communicate a lot through small movements of our facial muscles: Emotional nuance relies on motor nuance. But do we know about the tiny but important movements our facial muscles make?"
Talk in English, Moderated by Dr. Jochen Müller
Re-focus on mental health
Scholar Minds is led by PhD students at the HU and Charité, and supports the mental health of early career researchers in the Berlin neuroscience community.
Get help and resources, and find out about activities and events on twitter (@BerlinMinds) and facebook (Scholar Minds Berlin).
Read about impacts of ZOOM & Co. on our connectedness with self and others:
"Zoomed out: digital media use and depersonalization experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown" Ciaunica et al. March 10, 2022
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-07657-8
"Our study points to potential risks related to overly sedentary, and hyper-digitalised lifestyle habits that may induce feelings of living in one’s ‘head’ (mind), disconnected from one’s body, self and the world"
Longitudinal developmental trajectories do not follow cross-sectional age associations in hippocampal subfield and memory development
Attila Keresztes, Laurel Raffington, Andrew R. Bender, Katharina Bögl, Christine Heim and Yee Lee Shing
Far-red absorbing rhodopsins, insights from heterodimeric rhodopsin-cyclases
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin