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Dec 7, 2020 | from 13.00 | ZOOM
Virtual Speed-dating
Speaker Matthew Larkum will moderate this rapid exchange between existing and new PIs, sharing their project sketches for consideration in the 2nd round of the CRC.
From oscillations to laminar responses – characterising the neural circuitry of autobiographical memories
Autobiographical memories are the ghosts of our past. Through them we visit places long departed, see faces once familiar, and hear voices now silent. These, often decades-old, personal experiences can be recalled on a whim or come unbidden into our everyday consciousness. Autobiographical memories are crucial to cognition because they facilitate almost everything we do, endow us with a sense of self and underwrite our capacity for autonomy. They are often compromised by common neurological and psychiatric pathologies with devastating effects. (Talk hosted by Matthew Larkum) Image Eleanor Maguire
Zipping and unzipping the Hippocampal ‘Index’ Code
A modern variant of Teyler and Discenna’s “Hippocampal Index Code” theory predicts that the index code should be observable in superficial neocortex. It appears that the index code is first ‘zipped’ in CA1 and Subiculum before exporting to neocortex, where it is indeed unzipped and encoded in sparse/orthogonal, spatial position correlated, sequences in superficial neocortex. (Talk hosted by Henning Sprekeler) Image Bruce McNaughton
The sensory coding of warm perception
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Larkum Lab
Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin