Dear Members and Colleagues,
Image Belinda Fewings on Unsplash
Please join us in welcoming new associated PIs Silvia Viana da Silva, Matthias Haberl and Lisa Scheunemann. All the best for fruitful collaborations over the next 4 years.
Among further highlights are a B05-hosted lecture by Hugo Spiers (UCL), an SFB1280 lecture, and two new papers. See you at the lecture!
Silvia Viana da Silva Group Leader, German Center for Neuro-degenerative Diseases, DZNE
Matthias Haberl Head Haberl Lab, Charité- Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Lisa Scheunemann Researcher, Sigrist Group Genetics, FU Berlin
Consolidation of spatial memories and development of navigation abilities
Oct 11, 2022 | 16:00 CET | ZOOM ID: 7754910236
Hugo Spiers' research explores how our brain constructs representations of the world and uses them to recall the past, navigate the present and imagine the future. His research team use a range of methods including brain imaging, neuropsychological testing, virtual reality and single cell recording to understand brain function and spatial cognition. Most recently his team have collected data from over 4 million people world wide via research game application allowing discoveries into how global patterns in culture impact cognition. Professor Spiers' talk will present the latest findings ... Read more >>
Equal Opportunity in Participating Institutions
Keep an eye on available mentoring and equal opportunity consulting resources in our member institutions. Find the updated list here >>
Berlin Bochum Memory Alliance
SFB 1280 Colloquium
Oct 6, 2022 | 16:00 CET | ZOOM ID: Meeting-ID: 665 5038 5677, Password: 1280
Johannes Felsenberg Friedrich Meischer Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel Switzerland
"Changing Memory, on the Fly"
Recent open access publications
Evolution and adoption of contributor role ontologies and taxonomies
Hosseini M, Colomb J, Holcombe AO, Kern B, Vasilevsky NA, Holmes KL
High-density electrode recordings reveal strong and specific connections between retinal ganglion cells and midbrain neurons
Sibille J, Gehr C, Benichov JI, Balasubramanian H, Teh KL, Lupashina T, Vallentin D & Kremkow J
Nat Commun. 13, 5218 (2022)
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin