Dear Members and Colleagues,
Wishing you all the best at the end of the semester and a restful vacation.
Four new Steering Committee members were voted in at the SFB's June business meeting at BCCN! Many thanks to Livia de Hoz (A09), Marina Mikhaylova (A03, A10), Yee Lee Shing (B04) and Johannes Vierock (C01) for joining, and thanks to continuing members David Owald (A07), Christoph Ploner (B05), Petra Ritter (B03/INF) and Daniela Vallentin (A06), for continuing on behalf of Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter and Speaker Matthew Larkum! Many thanks to Christian Rosenmund (C01) and Dietmar Schmitz (A01, A02, C01), for serving the committee during the first round of the SFB1315.
A Warm Welcome to New Members Joining the SFB!
Equal Opportunity: discover new resources at the HU's METIS
SFB1315 newsletter: scroll down and Subscribe!
SLACK: Join channels of choice, sfb1315.slack.com
PhD student? Make a study plan aligned with your member / institutional program. Contact Lisa Velenosi
Find out what ECN has to offer in Berlin
Aug 11-12, 2022 | Ruhr University Bochum
The bird's eye view on the evolution of cognition. A great lineup of confirmed speakers including, but not limited to, Dmitry Aronov, Herman Wagner, Thomas Bugnyar, and our A06 co-PI Daniela Vallentin. Two days of birds, brains and behavior! See the programme >> Registration >>until 16th of June 2022. Contact Jonas Rose
METIS Gender lecture 2022
We invite your speaker suggestions for this year's METIS Lecture. Ideas for an interesting talk in the field of gender equality are highly welcome. To be held in November or December 2022.
Berlin Bochum Memory Alliance News
The German Research Council (DFG) has extended funding for our Berlin-Bochum Memory Alliance partner FOR2812, led by Prof. Dr Sen Cheng of the Institute of Neural Computation at the Ruhr University Bochum, for 3 more years. Read more >>
Learning accurate path integration in a ring attractor model of the head direction system
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin