Dear Members and Colleagues,
The recent SFB lab tour – by A06 labs in Seewiesen and Berlin – was excellent. We look forward to seeing you all after summer when our lecture series and lab tours resume. Until then, we wish you all a great summer.
Matthew and Richard, and your Z team
Image Dr Susanne Seltmann
Transparency in Animal Research
July 1, 2021: The DFG, together with the platform on "Understanding Animal Testing", launched the Transparent Animal Testing Initiative. Signatory life science research institutions promise to provide transparent information on animal experiments, participate in public dialogue on animal experimentation research, and share more. Following MDC's example in this direction, we are collecting statements as to why we cannot avoid animal testing, yet. Please send us your statements soon - thanks!
A third call for METIS interviews! SFB members are invited to contribute an interview to METIS reflecting on why we should promote equal opportunities. Send us an email and we will send you interview questions and format read more >
Inviting feedback
We in the Z project want to improve our coordination of the SFB's project-specific formats, outreach, & equal opportunity, as well as admin of your resources. Do not hesitate to write or give us a call to share ideas for improvement. For feedback on smartfigures contact our data curator.
Reminder - Smartfigures await your input on our website!
A very kind reminder from our data curator Julien Colomb to please login to SDash and update your profiles to help us improve output on the site.
Neural correlates of successful memory encoding in kindergarten and early elementary school children: Longitudinal trends and effects of schooling
Nolden S, Brod G, Meyer A-K, Fandakova Y & Shing YL. Cerebral Cortex 2021. DOI.
Institut für Biologie Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin SFB1315 Speaker Matthew Larkum, Deputy Speaker Richard Kempter.
Management & Coordination Mary Louise Grossman. Office: Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Charitéplatz 1, 10117 Berlin